
Ground Realities of Training Frontline Teams

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Rilif Karim Vadsariya

Rilif Karim Vadsariya

Deputy Manager Jubilant Food Works LTD
Siddhant Joshi

Siddhant Joshi

Brand Standard & Training Manager - Burger King India
Anurita Dey

Anurita Dey

Senior L&D Manager Spencers

Here’s what you’ll uncover in this webinar.

Understanding what are the Ground Realities of Training the Frontline Teams
360-Degree Analysis for Business Impact using feedback from all levels
Ground-Level Practicality Ensuring that ground-level teams are equipped with practical knowledge like product features and customer engagement techniques.
Training Should Address Business Problems and must have a direct link to solving specific business problems.

Check out this


for all the insights!

Training programs require cross-functional collaboration and a holistic approach.
Strategies for Crafting Effective ILT Programs
Behavioral training combined with operational fixes delivers stronger results.

The #1 App for Frontline and Business Teams to do it all.

Empower your frontline teams to drive your business success!